It’s Always Day 1: Why I’m Starting the Ship 30 Challenge

I recently signed up for Dickie Bush & Nicolas Cole’s cohort-based course, Ship 30 for 30.

Here’s why:

  • Growth is outside of your comfort zone: taking the challenge will force me to write and hit publish each day. It won’t be easy. And that’s exactly why I’m excited to do it.
  • I recently started a blog (again!). And what better opportunity to flesh it out than by taking the challenge and learning how to become a better writer in the process?!
  • I’m a firm believer in building and learning in public. But I’ve always struggled to find the time to actually do it. That’s because I have to MAKE the time. And that’s exactly what this challenge will force me to do.

Over the next 30 days, I plan on writing about self-improvement and software development.

But those topics are definitely NOT set in stone. And that’s OK. I’ll figure it out. We’ll figure it out. Together.

Join me on this adventure—and let me know if you have any questions along the way!

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